What is Adf.ly?


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If you are new to Adf.ly you have come to the right place.
Adf.ly is a link shortening service similar to tinyurl.com which shortens a link such as:
http://www.google.com/ –> http://adf.ly/L1xaj

Get paid to share your links! 

This service does not only makes it easier for you to post your links, but the best part is.. they also pay you for everyone that clicks on it!! Currently Adf.ly pays up to $5.00 for 1000 clicks of your link depending on the country the most traffic originates from, for the full payout rates list click here!
Don’t believe it?
Then click here for payment proof!
Register an account now and start shrinking immediatly. You will get paid for every person that visits your URLs.

Now must be thinking, yeah sure!
but seriously it’s not a scam, it’s real.. it’s easy and it does not take alot of effort, just see for yourself and checkout the proof on this page.Place your links on Facebook, Twitter, forums, personal websites, social networking sites and make money from your links.
Start earning money now, click here and click Join Now!