Friday, May 3, 2013

Adfly Full Page Script for Blogger Blog

Adfly Full Page Script

this blog is just added with full page script . The adfly full page script is for the purpose of making all outbound link in this blog (except the excluded link) to be automatically became adfly link. Easy!

How to put adfly full page script ?

Get the full page script from adfly

1. Login to adfly (register adfly if you are not yet registered).
2. Go to tool and click full page script
3. Copy. You can add exclude unlimited domain or include maximum 20 domain.

For this blog, domain name , and is excluded. You can also choose between interstitial ads or banner. I choose banner because it is less intrusive.

Put into blogger script

1. Login to blogger
2. Click Template > Edit HTML > Proceed
3. Search for head closing tag (refer the picture below)
4. Paste the code just before the closing tag

Full script code

5. Thats it! Now you can test!


  1. Are you trying to make money from your visitors with popunder ads?
    In case you are, have you considered using Pop Ads?

  2. Did you know you can create short links with AdFly and receive $$$$$$ from every visit to your shortened urls.

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