Monday, May 6, 2013

Make an adfly blog, and after that make another adfly blog

Adfly is a legit program to make money by shrinking link. Click to  Join Adfly 

This is the tips for you to make money with adfly, make a blog and make another blog.

In make money blogging there are two main problem.

  1. Traffic
  2. Conversion 
To get a lot of traffic is a problem to most blogger. But from my experience to get minimum 100 visist a day is achievable.

To get higher conversion rate is another problem since it require a blog to not just getting traffic, but targeted traffic. Which usually are organic traffic from search engine. From my experience, usually from 70-100 visit i can get about 9-22 clicks.  

Since to get a high traffic is quite problem, there are another option for adfly blogger to make another blog after achieving the target traffic and average conversion rate for first blog.

1 comment:

  1. Are you trying to make money from your visitors by popup ads?
    If so, did you take a look at Clickadu?
