Well there are some pretty basic do’s and don’t of using AdFly,
which can mostly be found in their terms and conditions, but I’m going
to help explain the publisher rules here. I will also add some extra
content towards the bottom. For a full list of unedited terms and
conditions vidit AdFly.
General Rules - These apply to all linking methods:
- Do not advertise AdF.ly links directly on any form of traffic exchange/PTC website. Not using traffic exchange and Paid To Click (PTC) sites avoids having artificial traffic for your links.
- Do not place AdF.ly links anywhere that may contain adult material (including advertising).
- Do not shrink any website URLs that contain adult material.
- Do not offer any incentive for a visitor to click the AdF.ly link, including gifts/points/cash. Traffic has to be “organic” and not manipulated into clicking a link.
- Do not ask/beg people to click on an AdF.ly link simply to generate you revenue, they must want to visit the destination website.
- Do not create 'redirect loops' with similar services (or AdF.ly) to generate revenue. This harms the effectiveness of the advertisements, because users become annoyed.
- Do not create spam with AdF.ly links anywhere, including forums / chat/comments/blogs.
- Do not participate in click 'rings' where you click on AdF.ly links in return for others to click yours. Again, “organic traffic” is the only traffic AdFly wants for their links.
- Do not open an AdF.ly link in a popup/popunder or iframe. They will not count.
- Only the AdF.ly link must be opened when a user clicks on the link. No other links/windows must be opened. Avoids giving incorrect cookie data.
- It is permitted to automatically redirect to an AdF.ly link only with a HTTP Redirect (unless using one of our preapproved scripts, available on the AdF.ly website). JavaScript redirect or meta-refresh is not allowed. These can be found under tools.
- We recommend the following services if you wish to redirect, Bit.ly, Goo.gl and tinyurl.com
- If redirecting to an AdF.ly link, the original link for the purposes of this agreement is classed as the 'AdF.ly link'. Don’t trick people into clicking a link.
- The only legitimate way to open an AdF.ly link is with a mouse click, on the actual link. *
- You may click on your own AdF.ly links 1 time to test them. You may not create links solely to 'test'. **
- We reserve the right to not pay for advert views generated by the owner of the AdF.ly account, on their own links. Don’t clink your own links!
* Does not apply to the links/views generated by the 'Website Entry Script'
** Does not apply to the links/views generated by the 'Website Entry Script' and 'Full Page Script'.
1) Never use Bots or any other program for sending fake traffic.
2) Never put Adfly Website Entry script on PTC, adult sites or on sites that get traffic from paid sources.
3) Never try to create more than one account from the same computer.
4) Never try to double shrink an Adfly link (For e.g. shrinking first with q.qs domain and secondly with AdF.ly one)
lol U are a GOOOOOD ctrl+c & ctrl+v student. Useless post
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